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Russian sports Internet discourse about figure skating: specifics of dialogic communication (on the example of user comments about figure skating at

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For citation: Malysheva E., Rogaleva O., Russian sports Internet discourse about figure skating: specifics of dialogic communication (on the example of user comments about figure skating at // Mediascope. 2022. 1. Available at:


© Elena G. Malysheva

Doctor of Philology, Head of the Chair of Journalism and Media Linguistics, Dostoevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia),

© Olga S. Rogaleva

PhD. Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism and Media Linguistics, Dostoevsky Omsk State University, (Omsk, Russia),



The article examines one of the varieties of sports discourse, which is distinguished on the basis of thematic specialization in sports (figure skating) and the information transmission channel (Internet), which is highly relevant and allows us to continue the study of modern Internet communication on current materials. The texts of users’ comments at the sports resource in the "Figure Skating" section served as the material for the analysis. The content, structural and pragmatic features of fans' communication through comments are determined.

The authors distinguish two types of comments: comments on the content of the source text and meta-comments – value judgments related to the content and form of linguistic expression of positions on the subject under discussion of the addresser, sub-addressers, the editors of the thematic section of the portal and individual journalists.

The dominant mode of verbal interaction of fans at the site is conflict. In the speech behavior of the fans, aggression is observed, which is represented by the spectrum of the corresponding speech means.

The comments reflect the features of the speech behavior of modern native speakers - fans.


Keywords: internet discourse, figure skating sub-discourse, fan discourse, user comment, verbal aggression


Notes Razdel «Figurnoe katanie» [Section ‘Figure-skating’]. Available at:



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