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Organizational aspects of the telegraph agency system in the first decade of Soviet power

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For citation: Babyuk M. Organizational aspects of the telegraph agency system in the first decade of Soviet power // Mediascope, 2021. 4. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2021.3


© Maxim I. Babyuk

PhD in Philological sciences, associate professor at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia). E-mail:



The article analyses the specifics of formation and development of the information agency system in the Soviet Union. Based on archival data, the author identifies three major stages of the information system reform in the first decade of the Soviet state's existence. These reforms were related to the change in conditions and opportunities of the country's existence and were aimed at expanding and optimising the system of collecting and distributing mass media, as well as centralising the system of news agencies and arranging them into a single unit.


Key words: Telegraph agency, ROSTA, TASS, RATAU, ZAKTAG, USSR, NEP


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GARF f. r391 op. 9 d.103 l.452b.

GARF f. r391 op. 9 d.67.

GARF f. r391 op. 9 d.69 l.13.

GARF f. r391 op. 9 d.69 l.24.

GARF f. r391. ГАРФ ф. р391.

GARF f. r4459 op. 11 d.89 l.1.

GARF f. r4459.

GARF r4459 op. 11 d.18 l.73.

GARF r4459 op. 11 d.22 l.17.

GARF r4459 op. 11 d.24 l.2.

GARF r4459 op. 11 d.24. l.3.

GARF r4459 op. 11 d.26 l.65.

GARF r4459 op. 11 d.3 l.6.

GARF r4459 op. 11 d.89 l.1, 37.

Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VTsIK o Rossiyskom telegrafnom agentstve (ROSTA) ot 7 sentyabrya 1918 goda [Resolution of the Presidium of the All_Russian Central Executive Committee on the Russian telegraph agency (ROSTA) from September 7, 1918] (1964) Dekrety Sovetskoy vlasti. Issue 3. Moscow: «Izd-vo politicheskoy literatury». Pp. 296–297. (In Russian)

RGASPI f.17 op. 60 d.146 l.23–24.

RGASPI f.17 op. 60 d.847 l.39.



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