For citation: Orabiyi J.O.A. Issue of lacunarity of the media image of a ‘distant’ country (mirroring of Nigeria at ‘RIA Novosti’) // Mediascope, 2021. 4. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2021.9
© Orabiyi Joshua Oladotun Anjolaoluva (Nigeria)
Assistant at the Chair of Mass Communications, Faculty of Philology, Russian Peoples` Friendship University (Moscow, Russia),
The article introduces the concept of the lacunarity of the media image of a "distant" country in the aspect of its leading role as a tool for the formation of a national brand in order to strengthen the country's image in the far abroad. The author clarifies the fundamental differences between media image and image. The paper analyzes news reports at the official website of RIA Novosti, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn that when forming the information agenda, a "distant" country finds itself in a situation of digital inequality, the consequence of which is an underestimated media image, and after it a distorted image of this country is formed, which cannot be an effective tool for building a country brand.
Keywords: media image, image, country brand, Nigeria, digital inequality
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