For citation: Shamsutdinova Yu. Special aspects of communication and news consumption by deaf and hard-of-hearing people in social media (case study of Russia):
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2021.6
© Yuliya F. Shamsutdinova
PhD alumnus, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The paper presents research findings on the use of social media by deaf and hard-of-hearing people. The study was conducted within a qualitative methodology; methods of observation, interview and diary study were implemented. Communication of deaf and hard-of-hearing people with hearing people in real life is obstructed, and the research shows that communication by means of social media makes it easier and more convenient. The finding according to which the higher the deaf person’s level of Russian language proficiency is, the higher is the probability that they will have no language preference when using social media, requires further study. The role of social media as a source of information is important since the need of the deaf and the hard-of-hearing people to obtain information in accessible forms is serious.
Key words: social media, deaf people, hard-of-hearing people, news consumption, interpersonal communication.
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