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The problem of formation of meanings by the contemporary media

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For citation: Trofimova G. The problem of formation of meanings by the contemporary media // Mediascope. 2021. Issue. 1. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2021.6


@ Galina N. Trofimova

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Mass Communications, Faculty of Philology, Russian University of Peoples` Friendship (Moscow, Russia),



The article actualizes the problems of digital media communication in its linguistic aspect, accompanying the formation of information law in the digital media space of modern Russia. The author analyzes examples of linguistic violations of information law in media texts, reflecting the specifics of the functioning of the Russian language in modern media, determines their significance in the context of information security and comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to increase the professional media literacy of journalists.

Keywords: media; information; information law; media literacy; meaning; text



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