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Framing Research in Russian Articles: Data of Frequency Analysis

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For citation: Aslanov I.A. Framing Research in Russian Articles: Data of Frequency Analysis // Mediaskop. 2020. 4. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2020.2


Ivan A. Aslanov

PhD student at the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)



This paper reviews articles published by Russian scholars in Russian journals devoted to the study of framing in media. We analyzed the articles published in 2008‒2020 and stored at the Elibrary archive. The sample included articles related to the media research field containing the word "framing" in the title, keywords or abstract. Using frequency analysis (N=54) we come to the following conclusion: Russian authors mostly adhere to the view on framing proposed by Robert Entman. They use content analysis in the vast majority of empirical studies, paying attention to the printed media and their websites, while ignoring other channels and alternative methodologies. We conclude that for today in Russian field of media studies the effect of framing is unilaterally researched, there is a need for empirical studies of framing as the actual effect of communication, that is, in works that study not only the parameters of the message, but also the reaction of the recipient.

Keywords: framing, frame, media effects, frequency analysis



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