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Information agendas of the society and the media: comparative analysis

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For citation: Kaminchenko D.I. Information agendas of the society and the media: comparative analysis // Mediaskop. 2020. 4. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2020.3


@ Dmitrij I. Kaminchenko

PhD in Political Science, Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Practical Political Analysis and Modeling, FGAEI HE Lobachevsky National research Nizhny Novgorod State University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),



The digitalization of modern society has a significant impact on various areas of its functioning. One of these areas is public space. In modern public space, there are separate communicative informative and semantic fields. Information agendas are the structured and textual demonstration of these fields. Society, the media and politicians form their information agendas, the main elements of the content of which may intersect. The content of the media and public agendas is examined in the paper. The degree of compliance of its general thematic and political content is revealed based on the conjugation coefficient. The main empirical methods used in the paper are content analysis and comparative analysis. According to the results of monitoring news headlines, the indicators of the conjugation coefficient of the general thematic and political content of the media and public agendas were established. The results of the study showed that diverse media agendas are characterized by significant differences. Its content is also significantly different from the content of the public agenda.

Keywords: information agenda, information, social media, society, media.



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