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Transformation of the information online stream to an Internet news library: approaches and options  

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For citation: Shabaan D. Transformation of the information online stream to an Internet news library: approaches and options // Mediaskop. 2020. 4. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2020.4


@ Duaa Shabaan

PhD student at the Chair of Mass Communications, Faculty of Philology, Russian University of Peoples` Friendship (Damascus, Syria),



The article is devoted to identifying the effective capabilities of the library as a social institution in its modern development and transition to a digital format. The author conducts a detailed analysis of various aspects of studying the activities of library sites in the works of many domestic and foreign scientists. Considering various aspects of library modernization, the author emphasizes that the formation of the event's image in the representation of a mass audience becomes an innovative principle of organizing an Internet news library. According to the author, the Internet news library is designed not only to collect and provide media resources on a specific issue, but also to guide public opinion in assessing this issue, becoming an essential element of the infrastructure for managing information media resources. As a result of the study of the potential of an innovative Internet news library, the author comes to the conclusion that the experience of systematizing library resources is very effective for structuring journalistic messages. The Internet news library itself is a key tool for collecting, comprehending and analysing news reports in the most promising way and is a special mechanism for shaping the image of Syria in Russia during the period of Russia's participation in the settlement of the Syrian crisis.

Keywords: library, news, Internet, mass media, information environment.



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