For citation: Kruglova L.A. (2020) Rossijskie gazety na platforme YouTube: opyt vzaimodejstvija [Russian Newspapers on the YouTube Platform: Interaction Experience]. Mediaskop3. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.5
@ Ljudmila A. Kruglova
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
Research and media circles often talk about the death of newspapers. However, there are examples in the world and in Russia when progressive print media leaders managed to survive in the digital space. In our country, Internet users are most in demand with YouTube. Therefore, one of the stages of a comprehensive study of the transformation of the audiovisual environment on the Internet, which is carried out by the Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, was an analysis of the activities of the top-rated print publications on the YouTube platform in the fall of 2019. Fifteen Russian newspapers were selected whose YouTube accounts were analyzed in terms of quality of content, number of subscribers, channel activity, most popular video, audience activity, monetization and timing of video materials. The results of the study indicate the activity of newspapers and their audience on the YouTube site, but traditional media have little understanding of the processes taking place in the digital space. It can be seen from the study that short-lived, easy-to-use, touching, warmly patriotic, surprising, confusing, or frightening stories (where monetization is usually turned off) are in demand among newspaper accounts of audiences.
Keywords: newspapers, video content, YouTube, audience behavior, video consumption.
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