For citation: Pirozhkova T.F. Chto skryval F.V. Chizhov v dnevnikah? [What Did F. Chizhov Hide in His Diaries?]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.10
@ Tatiana F. Pirozhkova
Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of History of Russian Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
A famous Slavophile, journalist, industrial and financial figure of Russia Fedor Chizhov (1811‒1877) imposed a 40-year ban on the opening and publication of his papers after his death (November 14, 1877).
This term expired on November 14, 1917, when the young country of the Soviets was not up to Chizhov and to the Slavophiles in general. A hundred years have passed, the diaries of Chizhov, which he kept from the gymnasium years until his death, have not been published so far, with the exception of individual fragments and quotes.
Unusually rich in material on the history of Russia, entrepreneurial activity, the history of journalism and the arts, they contain many riddles, some of which are described in this article. It is based on archival sources that have not appeared previously in print.
Keywords: diary, notes, publications, riddle, love, last will.
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Surnina I.A. (2011) «Asketicheskoe sluzhenie promyshlennomu miru…» (F.V. Chizhov ‒ redaktor «Vestnika promyshlennosti» i «Akcionera») ['Ascetic service to the industrial world... ‘(F. Chizhov - editor of ‘Bulletin of Industry’ and ‘Shareholder’)']. Moscow: Moscow St. Univ. Publ.
Sverbeev D.N. (2014) Moi zapiski [My Notes]. Moscow: Nauka Publ.