For citation: Samorodova E.V. Osobennosti sovremennogo regulirovanija fejkovyh novostej: rossijskij i zarubezhnyj opy [Peculiarities of the Modern Regulation of Fake News: Russian and Foreign Experience]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.4
@ Elina V. Samorodova
Researcher at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
In recent years, fake news has become a significant and widely discussed issue. Today, this phenomenon is given a new meaning, due to the fact that misinformation has become a frequently used tool for influencing on political processes and public opinion. The issue of fake news is recognized in many countries, but the mechanisms for countering misinformation differ significantly due to features of national legislation and forms of government. This paper attempts to determine the characteristics of fake news regulation in Russian and foreign practice. For this study, it was of interest to investigate international documents, legal acts, and the experience of self-regulatory organizations in more than fifty countries. The obtained data allowed us to determine the main trends and development ways of fake news regulation.
Keywords: fake news, misinformation, media regulation, state regulation of media, legislation.
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