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The Newspaper Chronicle in the Letters of V. Khodasevich to N. Berberova

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For citation: Zakryzhevskaja E.A. (2020) «Literaturnaja letopis'» v pis'mah V.F. Hodasevicha k N.N. Berberovoj [The Newspaper Chronicle in the Letters of V. Khodasevich to N. Berberova]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2020.8


© Elena A. Zakryzhevskaja

PhD student at the Chair of Literary and Art Criticism and Publicism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



In this article, we examine the letters of V. Khodasevich to N. Berberova. We hope to find information that enables us to try to attribute authorship to a number of their works, published under the pseudonym 'Gulliver', in the Russian Émigré newspaper Vozrozhdenie [Renaissance] between 1927 and 1939. We carefully put each mention of chronicle into biographical context of V. Khodasevich and N. Berberova. Our purpose is not to analyse the issues of chronicle but to collect reliable information about how they were written and published. The article gives the opportunity to see how the chronicle has been changing through the years. Though it focuses mainly on the authorship of a number of issues it also touches upon Soviet magazines and newspapers, that helped V. Khodasevich and N. Berberova to follow literary novelties, describes the writing process itself, particularities of editing and publishing of newspaper Vozrozhdenie, notes about the fee that was usually paid for the chronicle and etc.

Keywords: Nina Berberova, Vladislav Khodasevich, Russian emigration journalism, the ‘first wave’, newspaper ‘Vozrozhdenie’,



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