For citation: Obraztsova A.Yu., Galkina M.Yu. (2020) Osobennosti osveshhenija obshhestvenno-politicheskih processov v social'nyh setjah v Kazahstane na osnove russkojazychnogo diskursa [Osobennosti osveshhenija obshhestvenno-politicheskih processov v social'nyh setjah v Kazahstane na osnove russkojazychnogo diskursa]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
@ Anastasia Yu. Obraztsova
PhD in Philology, Researcher at the Laboratory for Integrated Studies of Topical Issues of Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
@ Marina Yu. Galkina
PhD in Philology, Freelancer (Moscow, Russia),
The problems of organizing the political process in the new media of the post-Soviet countries are poorly studied in the scientific literature: if the Russian experience becomes the subject of research from time to time, the rest of the countries are practically not covered. Kazakhstan, like some other post-Soviet countries, is one of the most interesting examples of interaction between new media and society. Now Kazakhstan is going through the process of changing generations of political elites. The extraordinary presidential election in Kazakhstan was on June 9, 2019. The purpose of our study is to try to reveal how social media affect the course of elections if at all. We propose typological classification of various forms of social and political processes representation in the new Kazakhstan media. We identified the most popular social platforms, influential bloggers, leading public pages and channels on YouTube, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte. We found out that while the social platform VKontakte is not very popular in gathering political information, Facebook sets the agenda of the day. Instagram also has some reaction on the social and political events. But the most interesting and resonant information is presented on YouTube and Telegram.
Keywords: political process, Kazakhstan, new media, discourse, social networks.
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