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Newspaper Discussions about the Need of Competition as a Part of Power Struggle in Soviet Physical Culture in the Mid‒1920s

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For citation: Alekseev K.A. (2020) Gazetnaja diskussija o neobhodimosti sorevnovanij kak jepizod bor'by za vlast' v sovetskoj fizkul'ture v seredine 1920-h godov [Newspaper Discussions about the Need of Competition as a Part of Power Struggle in Soviet Physical Culture in the Mid‒1920s]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2020.6


@ Konstantin A. Alekseev

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of History of Journalism at School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia),;




The article based on a comparative analysis of newspaper and magazine publications, examines the controversy of 1924‒1925. It reflects the opposition of two groups of the Soviet physical culture movement. The subject of the dispute was the permissibility of using sports competition in Soviet proletarian physical culture. This discussion was of key importance for the Soviet physical culture and sports movement, as it determined the main vector of its development in the coming years. The polemical situation showed that the newspaper pages could have been used to suppress opposition ideas in the Soviet sport, it was not only a democratic platform for discussing sports problems in the 1920s. The technique of polemics was borrowed from the practical work of the internal party struggle of the 1920s, when controversial issues were brought to open discussion. However, the press copied the opinion of just one of the parties. The opposite party was suspended from the discussion and did not have the opportunity to state this. The article shows that the general direction of Soviet physical culture was dependent on the analyzed struggle for influence. In these conditions, publications played an important role not only as a tool of control, but also as a weapon in the fight against ideological opponents.

Keywords: sport, physical culture, sports press, Supreme Council of Physical Culture (SCPC), Red Sport Internаtional (RSI).



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