For citation: Prokophieva N.A. (2019) K voprosu o destruktivnosti faticheskogo rechevogo povedenija [Destructive Phatic Speech Behavior in Social Media: Towards Problem Statement]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2019.6
© Natalia A. Prokophieva
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Speech Communication, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Saint-Petersburg State University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia),
The article is devoted to analysis of speech behavior on social media. The introduction presents relevance of the issue and its main aspects. Then, it is described theoretical base of the study. The purpose is to present destructive using of phatic speech on social media. Phatic using just for shocking of the audience has caused escalating of speech cynicism, which is very popular in the Internet (trolling, e.g.) and is penetrating with everyday speech practice of society. One of the main problems of this communication is different perception of language using. Play of words can be perceived as language fact by teenagers (they can't understand the irony of it) and breaching a language normative use can become habitual for them. This is one of the reasons for the degradation of language culture. Chats present phatic communication in its purest form. And consciousness stops critical perception of information at one moment. This makes it possible to impose any destructive idea on users ' minds. So, the article presents the destructive aspect of phatic in social networks.
Keywords: phatic speech behavior, shocking, speech cynicism, social networks, media linguistics.
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