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Comparative Analysis of Informational Agenda of Mass Media and Modern Social Media

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For citation: Kaminchenko D.I. (2019) Sravnitel'nyj analiz informacionnoj povestki dnja sredstv massovoj informacii i sovremennyh social'nyh media [Comparative Analysis of Informational Agenda of Mass Media and Modern Social Media]. Mediaskop4. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2019.3



© Dmitry I. Kaminchenko

PhD in Politology, Assistant at the Chair of Applied Political Analysis and Modeling, "National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod" (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),



Information is one of the most significant elements of the society development. Therefore, agenda-setting is a very important process for social and political actors. Modern ICT influences on the agenda-setting process, its content and the role of the main actors. Using the content analysis, the author studies the informational agenda of traditional and modern networked media as well as social media. A comparative analysis of media agendas is conducted in the paper. According to the paper at the content level of the information agenda may be highlighted two levels: basic and median. The study showed that in the considered period of time, the two main topics of messages (basic level) of the public agenda presented in social media coincide with the corresponding topics of media agendas (moreover, precisely with the agenda of the television channel). At the median thematic level, the public agenda has more similarities with the networked media and information agency. In the considered period of time some topics of public agenda were not sufficiently reflected in the media agenda, for example, the topic of domestic policy and sanctions (this topic was reflected at the corresponding public agenda only in the agenda of the information agency).

Keywords: Informational agenda, information, social media, society, media.



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Oficial'nyj sajt telekanala NTV [Official website of NTV television channel]. Available at:




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