For citation: AnikinaM.E. (2019) Institutsional'nye roli rossiyskogo zhurnalista v nachale XXI veka [Institutional Roles of Russian Journalist at the Beginning of the XXIst Century]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2019.7
© Maria E. Anikina
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article discusses the idea of social mission reflected by contemporary Russian journalists and proposes the concept of a journalist as a key figure in the process of mass information activity that maintains his status as a significant participant of communication process and as a subject of academic research. This article describes some features of Russian journalistic community portrait. Local scholars formulated the task to determine the national characteristics of the journalistic community long time ago. Proposed material mentions several sociological projects, presents methodological and theoretical background of international comparative study "Worlds of journalism". The fundamental theoretical foundations of the project involve the analysis of journalistic roles as generalized expectations, that 1) the society recognizes as desirable, 2) include professional values and beliefs, 3) the journalists perceive as a result of professional socialization. Analyzing the results of empirical sociological projects realized in 2000-2010s the author fixes the national specifics of journalistic culture in Russia and concludes that in professional consciousness of Russian journalists there are elements of various concepts of journalism.
Keywords: journalist, journalism, journalism culture, social mission of journalism, institutional roles, empirical study.
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