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Evolution of the Model of Institutional Management of Chinese Broadcasting Media

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For citation: Dong Yafeng (2019) Evolyutsiya modeli institutsional'nogo upravleniya kitayskimi radioveshchatel'nymi SMI [Evolution of the Model of Institutional Management of Chinese Broadcasting Media]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2019.3


© Dong Yafeng
PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Xi`an, China),



The key problem of the process of changes in the system of broadcasting media is the relationship between the government and the market. Institutionalization and commercialization (marketization) are two basic ideas of changes in the economy of broadcasting media. Due to the reforms of the institutionalization of China's broadcasting media in the field of radio media management, the administrative management (in fact, 'human decision management') is gradually being replaced by 'law-based management', the government's control over the radio industry can be achieved through the development of competent scientific regulations. Taking into account the current state of affairs in China, choosing from commercialization (marketization) and institutionalization, China's broadcasting media preferred the path of economic reforms to prudent commercialization (marketization) with the system's guiding role. The article analyzes the evolution of models of governmental organization of stations, bodies of public administration and government regulation at three stages of economic reforms of Chinese broadcasting media; reveals in detail the idea of institutionalization of economic reforms of Chinese broadcasting media: it was made an attempt to give clarity and scientific character to the functions of broadcasting and management of broadcasting media. This article interprets and comprehends the essence of economic reforms of Chinese broadcasting media from the point of view of institutionalization. Using the methods of documentary analysis, generalization and historical research, the article organizes scientific literature from 1989 to 2015. The present article helps us at the macro level to study out and realize the economic reforms of China's broadcasting media.

Keywords: economic reforms of Chinese broadcasting media, model of state institutional media management, evolution.



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