For citation: Shlyakhova S.S. (2019) Vospriyatie polikodovogo reklamnogo teksta v usloviyakh bilingvizma i bikul'turalizma [Perception of the Advertising Polycode Text under the Conditions of Bilingualism and Biculturalism]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2019.6
© Svetlana S. Shlyakhova
Doctor of Philology, Head of the Chair of Foreign Languages and Public Relations, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia),
The article is devoted to perception of the advertising polycode text by bilinguals under the conditions of biculturalism. A series of experiments was carried out in the form of an individual questioning (face-to-face questioning). The Komi-Permyaks – Finno-Ugric ethnos, compactly residing in Komi-Permyak district of Perm krai were chosen as an experimental group. It is established that perception of the polycode text by bilinguals is conditioned by ethnic, cultural and natural-landscape factors. In the experimental group of Komi-Permyaks in perception of the somatic code of culture there is an obvious tendency to choose an ethnically similar appearance as preferable (62%); in the control groups of Russians, the trend of choosing an ethnically similar appearance is not clearly distinguished (9-15%). Perception of the somatic code in the advertising text by bilinguals under the conditions of biculturalism is influenced by the foreign culture: bi-culturalism of Komi-Permyaks; aspiration of Komi-Permyaks to choose Russians as a reference group; specificity of the anthropological ethnos type. When perceiving the natural-landscape code in the advertising polycode text there is also a tendency to choose the habitual (forest, river) spatial environment (natural landscape) as the preferred one. In the control groups of Russians the choice of the spatial environment is also influenced by anthropogenic factors (urban environment). In the future, an additional series of experiments is needed to clarify perception of the somatic code by Russians and Komi-Permyaks using images of different anthropotypes of Komi-Permyaks and Russians.
Keywords: advertising, bilingualism, biculturalism, Komi-Permyaks, polycode text.
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