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Peculiarities of Functioning of the Latin American Model of Media Systems (on the example of Paraguay)

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For citation: Grigoriev I.V. (2018) Osobennosti funktsionirovaniya latinoamerikanskoy modeli mediasistem (na primere SMI Paragvaya) [Peculiarities of Functioning of the Latin American Model of Media Systems (on the example of Paraguay)]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2018.4



© Ivan. V. Grigoriev

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of English Language in the Field of Philology and Arts at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia),



Globalization in media studies has long become the focal point in Latin American communication research. At the beginning this was percepted as the 'Americanization' which in turn meant the understanding of Latin America as an expansion for American media and financial capital and the extension of US liberal market model.

When D. Hallin and P. Mancini propose their three models, research pattern of Latin American media changed and several proposals, sometimes contradictory, were made to find specific features of Latin American media basing on dimensions and sub-dimensions proposed by the authors. Scientific developments in the field brought to light "captured liberal model", which main characteristic is the "capture" the media policy by traditional actors like political and industrial forces, latter in the form of highly concentrated market participants.

Paraguay has always been an example of political conflict and social instability and historically overlooked in Latin American media studies. That is why the paper analyses media landscape of the country assuming that Paraguay's media retain features of captured liberal model.

Conclusions display the features of Paraguay media system valid for further comparative assessment of Latin American media systems.

Keywords: Latin American media model, comparative media studies, controlled liberal model, Paraguay's medial landscape.



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