For citation: Pronina E.E., Ilchenko D.S., Kolesnichenko A.V. (2018) Pochemu molodyye issledovateli khotyat uchit'sya zhurnalistike (opyt Masterskoy nauchnoy zhurnalistiki pri fakul'tete zhurnalistiki MGU) [What Makes Researchers Take up Journalism (the Experience of the Scientific Journalism Workshop at the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University)]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.8
© Elena E. Pronina
Doctor of Philology, PhD in Psychology, Professor at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Daniil S. Ilchenko
Researcher at the Laboratory for Integrated Studies of Topical Issues of Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Aleksandr V. Kolesnichenko
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article examines factors that motivate students whose major is not journalism, as well as staff members of other faculties, to apply for a course to hone their journalistic skills. The workshop of science journalism at the Faculty of Journalism received 190 applications which formed the empirical base of the research. Having studied the application forms by means of content analysis and mathematical data processing involved cluster, factor and discriminant analysis we established motives corresponding to the success in studying journalism. The obtained data enabled us to draw conclusions on the characteristics of the professional identity of a journalist, as well as the goals and specifics of science journalism.
Keywords: journalism, motivation for training, science journalism, professional identity of a journalist, journalism training.
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