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Typology of Polycode Unities in the Aspect of Media Logic

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For citation: Zagidullina M.V. (2018) Tipologiya polikodovykh edinstv v aspekte medialogiki [Typology of Polycode Unities in the Aspect of Media Logic]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.2


© Marina V. Zagidullina
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Senior Researcher at the Chair of Journalism and Mass Communication, Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia),



This article proposes a typology of texts based on a combination of visual and textual elements. This way it extends the typology of language-image interaction proposed by Len Unsworth (2006). The essence of the proposed approach is the concept of the media logic. According to this concept, the existence of any social institution is rearranging in a meditated (transparent) society. The complement and expansion of the Unsworth theory, which is based on the principle of complementarity, is possible in the case of transition from syntax (linearity, segment) to syntagmatics (nonlinearity, equivalence). The empirical material served as the basis for theoretical conclusions is the content of the site which tops the Runet's ranking in the "Entertainment" section. The ability to choose posts that received the most explicit user support makes the site a convenient platform for the research. The analysis of the "best for all time" section for the structure of polycode statements allows users to establish preferences and allows to interpret the data as a kind of "polycode optimum" as well as to find variants of conjunction of text and visual elements in the framework of communicative strategies implemented by users.

Keywords: media logic, polycode text, language-image, syntactic hybridization, cumulation, UGC, folksonomy.



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