For citation: Shestyorkina L.P., Bevz A.A. (2018) Novyye granitsy professional'noy zhurnalistiki, ili CHemu uchit' studentov-zhurnalistov [The New Boundaries of Professional Journalism or What to Teach Students of Journalism]. Mediaskop1. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.11
© Lyudmila P. Shestyorkina
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Head of the Chair of Journalism and Mass Communication, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia),
© Anastasia A. Bevz
Teaching Assistant at the Chair of Journalism and Mass Communications at the Faculty of Journalism, South Ural State University, editor at the Internet portal Newsroom Digital (Chelyabinsk, Russia),
Relevance of article caused by necessity of the study of new frontiers of journalism as a profession that significantly affects the content of the educational process in the sphere of "Journalism". Examined are the following components of the concept of journalistic professional such as: functional literacy, professional qualifications, professional competence and professional culture. The scientific novelty of the provided original results of sociological research conducted among teachers of students of journalism SUSU employers and professionals in the media industry. The aim of the study is to find ways to improve journalism education in the context of new media practices.
Keywords: journalism, journalism education, professionalism, universal journalism.
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