For citation: Grischeva E.S., Khrestolyubova G.A. (2018) Printsipy nominatsii i sposoby obrazovaniya reklamnykh imen ob"yektov goroda Abakana [Principles of Nomination and Ways of Forming Advertising Names of Objects of the City of Abakan]. Mediaskop1. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.12
© Elena S. Grischeva
PhD in philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Stylistics of Russian Language and Journalism, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Katanov Khakass State University (Abakan, Russia),
© Galina A. Khrestolyubova
PhD in philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Stylistics of Russian Language and Journalism, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Katanov Khakass State University (Abakan, Russia),
The purpose of this publication is to consider the principles of nomination and relevant ways of forming advertising names to the nomination of advertising objects in Abakan (in the number of 300 units). The analysis of theoretical literature has shown that the advertising name is an important part of the advertising message. The term "advertising name" is introduced by I.V. Kryukova.
The study of Abakan advertising discourse in terms of the advertising name organization specifics in a pragmatic and socio cultural aspects has shown that the identifying and conventionally symbolic principles are relevant basic to the nomination of advertising city objects. The most productive ways of forming an advertising name in the objects of Abakan are lexical-semantic, morphological, lexical-syntactic and graphic. It should be noted that lexical-semantic way in most cases is represented by semantic transonymization, and morphological way is represented by composition. When an advertising name is created, the special expressive-stylistic function is performed by graphic markers. Unfortunately, the least number of advertising nominations has the regional coloring. In our opinion, it significantly reduces the importance of the socio cultural component in the region.
Keywords: advertising, advertising name, usuality, productivity, pragmatics.
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