For citation: Barsukova A.V. (2018) Etnicheskie periodicheskie izdaniya v sisteme SMI Privolzhskogo federal'nogo okruga [Ethnic Periodicals in the Media Structure of Privolzhsky Federal District]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.9
© Alina V. Barsukova
PhD student of the Department of Journalism of the Philological Faculty of N.I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),
Today the ethnic journalism draws attention of researchers. On the one hand, by strengthening of interest of public authorities to the international relations, on the other hand, by processes of the national Renaissance which is taken out in the contemporary history of the country. Our task is to analyze place and role of ethnic periodicals in the media system of the Volga Federal District − one of the multinational regions of Russia. In the work we rely on the general scientific methods: analysis of ethnic media of Volga federal district and complex assessment of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Subject of our research is the regional press in national languages of indigenous people of the Volga Federal District. We consider the press in languages of indigenous people like the Tatar, the Bashkir, the Udmurt, Chuvash, Mordovian, Mari, Komi-Permyak. The analysis has shown that the subject of the print media is extensive. Today there are political newspapers, women's, nurseries, youth and scientific publications in the native languages. The press of the Volga Federal District shows the phenomenon of mutual multilingualism in regional media. In each region there are media in Tatar, in Bashkir - in the Samara and Orenburg region, etc. We note that the general mission of regional national editions is the disclosure of a multi-colored palette of national cultures, traditions and development of cross-cultural dialogue.
Keywords: printed media, Privolzhsky Federal District, ethnic press, cross-cultural dialogue, typology.
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