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Native Advertising in the Communication Activities of Russian Banks

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For citation: Osmanova A.I. (2018) Nativnaya reklama v kommunikatsionnoy deyatel'nosti rossiyskikh bankov [Native Advertising in the Communication Activities of Russian Banks]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.8


© Anna I. Osmanova

PhD student at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article represents history of development of native advertising as genre, starting with the first examples of such adverts and ending with the current examples of native advertising materials in different spheres, especially banking and finance.

There are two key differentiation points of native advertising compared to other traditional communication formats named in the article: organic inclusion of native ad material into editorial content (that is why it is called "native") and the fact that usually the media itself is the author of such advertising material.

The following factors are named key for native advertising development: decrease of the efficiency of traditional communication format and influence of the ad blocking programmes spreading.

There is a formula suggested in the article which can be applied for native advertising efficiency assessment: ROI = ( reach х % target behavior х customer OR target behavior lifetime value) - (production costs + distribution costs + customer OR behavior support cost)

Among the positive aspects of native format the author names high potential audience engagement and viral effect, while among the negative aspects the author names resources required for production and potential ethic conflict on the issue of correct marking of such materials (either this is a "partner" material, or "sponsored" material, or something else).

Vast statistics on native advertising usage and efficiency measures is provided in the material, followed by the potential criteria of efficiency described by the author. The author states that native genre will develop further in the communicational field.

Keywords: native advertising, marketing, public relations, communication.



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