For citation: Zakharova M.V. (2018) Gosudarstvennaya politika Frantsii kak instrument sokhraneniya natsional'nogo mediaprodukta v epokhu globalizatsii i tsifrovoy revolyutsii [State Policy of France as a Tool for Preserving the National Media Product in the Era of Globalization and Digital Revolution]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.2
© Milana V. Zakharova
PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
France recognizes pluralism of opinions and cultural diversity, and at the same time there are special rules and norms aimed at protecting French identity. Such protectionism on the part of the state is manifested in the most diverse spheres of media, at its core - the idea of "cultural exclusiveness". The cultural product is considered here as a unique commodity that can not live only under the laws of the market.
The article explores the main directions of the state policy of France aimed at supporting various sectors of the national media industry − the press, radio broadcasting and television, book publishing, cinematography in the context of globalization and the digital revolution in the early 21st century. Separate measures are also being considered to protect the French language in the context of the rapid development of the Internet. The system of state aid is based on laws that support special conditions in certain fields of activity, quotas for broadcasting audio-visual products of French origin, preferential taxation, special taxes, subsidies, the distribution of which is carried out mainly with the participation of special funds. The study also aims to clarify the specifics of the evolution of the tools of state regulation of the media market, taking into account globalization and the digital revolution. Such cases as the Google Foundation, the anti-Amazon law, the Tubon law, and the adaptation of the legislative framework are considered.
Such media dirigisme allows France to preserve the uniqueness and individuality of the national media product and, to some extent, confront the negative consequences of the influence of globalization. This experience can be useful for other countries and regions of the world, despite the fact that the French model is full of contradictions and has repeatedly demonstrated its fragility before the invasion of digital technologies.
Keywords: state aid, press, book publishing, cinematography, preferential taxation, French language.
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