For citation: Deryabina A.S. (2017) Stremlenie k samodeterminatsii v strukture professional'noy identichnosti zhurnalista [Pursuit of Self-Determination in the Structure of Professional Identity of a Journalist]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:
© Anna S. Deryabina
PhD student at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, correspondent at Vademecum (Moscow, Russia),
This article attentively examines how journalists realized the need for self-determination. This work is a part of a larger study of journalistic identity in the context of media transformation. A questionnaire has been created to solve the research tasks. The survey involved 166 professional journalists and bloggers. The research is conducted with the use of the method of modeling the different types of professional identities through the respondents' particular professional group and a certain pattern of professional behavior.
This work addresses the issue of how the desire for self-determination affects the formation of professional identity of journalist. In this study we compared values of professional and non-professional journalists (bloggers). We also compared values of pro-government journalists, opposition and journalists who work in non-political mass media.
As the result of the research, it was discovered that the involvement of the journalist in the Internet communication has influence at self-determination. Journalistic education has influence at the formation of a mature professional position.
Keywords: media psychology, blogs, new media, self-determination, civil journalism, professional identity of the journalist.
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