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News Distribution via Telegram Messenger

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News Distribution via Telegram Messenger


For citation: Sokolova D.V. (2017) Distributsiya novostnogo kontenta v messendzhere Telegram [News Distribution via Telegram Messenger]. Mediaskop4. (in Russian). Available at:


© Darya V. Sokolova
Employee of the Chair of New Media and Communication Theory at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This study looks at the instant messaging service as a platform for news content distribution. The media use Telegram to broadcast information to subscribers via channels and bots. The content analysis includes channels of pro-governmental and liberal media: newspapers "Rossijskaya gazeta"and "Kommersant", radio stations "Svoboda" and BBC Russian, channels RT on Russian and "Dozhd'", web sites "Meduza" and "Snob". 1440 publications were analyzed. The timeframe of the research covers terrorist attacks on St. Petersburg underground and Stockholm city center.

The results of the study led to the conclusion that media focus on generate traffic from the Telegram to their own sites. 87,75% publications contain links to sites. The average daily number of materials is 9. The excessive activity push off the audience: low frequency of publications provides more views. Subject matter includes materials of socio-politics themes. The communication on Telegram is one-sided, but several media try to contact the audience by means of surveys.

Keywords: news, content, Internet, messenger, Telegram, bot.



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