For citation: Kostikov V.Yu. (2017) Brend sportivnogo kluba kak kommunikativnaya konstruktsiya [Sports Club Brand as a Communicative Structure]. Mediaskop4. (in Russian). Available at:
© Valery Yu. Kostikov
Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Journalism, Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting Ostankino, PhD degree-seeking Student at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
In this article media construct is considered as an in-system unit of the communicative process, which reflects the strengthening of meaning not only of managerial, but also of communicative component.
This concept includes a complex of technologies and processes, which define the communicative component of a brand or phenomenon in this domain (PR technologies, event management, Internet technologies, etc.) and intended for the expected effect.
Using the example of Manchester United Football Club, the author highlights current components of brand construction, defines the algorithm of its development, introduces a systematized set of methods, which will supposedly improve the efficiency of sports brand promotion.
The performed analytics demonstrated, that the brand of Manchester United Football Club is a complex communicative construct with gnoseological and axiological characteristics extending beyond their domain. This brand gains importance in context of national priorities and international positioning.
Sports brand proves to be suited for communication exchange and transmission of societal and specific discourses and messages and their integration into public conscience through the mechanism of interaction with sports audiences.
In this regard, the innovations in sports branding should be connected not only to new technologies, but also to social and professional trends. Management teams of clubs should form new models of activities (innovative product and systems project) on the basis of trend projecting and identification. Innovativeness in sports branding should be of substantial character also in the formats of its implementation.
Keywords: sports brand, mediaconstruct, communication instruments.
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