For citation: Vyrkovsky A.V., Galkina M.Yu., Kolesnichenko A.V., Obraztsova A.Yu., Vartanov S.A. (2017) Mul'timediynye elementy v sovremennom mediatekste [Multimedia Elements in Modern Media Text]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
© Andrey V. Vyrkovsky
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Marina Yu. Galkina
PhD, Researcher at the Laboratory for Integrated Studies of Topical Issues of Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Aleksandr V. Kolesnichenko
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Anastasia Yu. Obraztsova
Researcher at the Laboratory for Integrated Studies of Topical Issues of Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Sergey A. Vartanov
PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor at the Chair of Econometrics and Mathematical Methods of Economics, Moscow School of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The final product of the newsroom work − the journalist text − changed under the influence of convergence. The aim of this article is not only to research the media text in terms of saturation with convergent elements (photos, video, timelines, infographics, tests, etc.), but also to identify the type of multimedia content the journalists produce independently and borrow from third-party providers.
The content analysis of federal media sites revealed that the level of convergence in various types of media (newspapers, magazines, news agencies, online publications) is very low. Just few newsrooms use several multimedia elements at the same time. Usually they use the only one multimedia element.
The results revealed that the photo is the most used multimedia element (with a clear advantage of thematic pictures, not event) and video. In general, the newsrooms use someone else's content. The most popular borrowed element is thematic photo.
Multimedia combinations of the texts allow us to talk about individual convergent newsroom strategies that do not depend on the overall development of the media.
Keywords: convergence, multimedia elements, content analysis, newsroom, production of texts.
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