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"The Promyshlennyi Listok" Newspaper (1858−1859) of M.Ya. Kittary

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For citation: Surnina I.A. (2017) Gazeta «Promyshlennyy listok» (1858–1859) M.Ya. Kittary ["The Promyshlennyi Listok" Newspaper (1858−1859) of M. Ya. Kittary]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:


© Irina A. Surnina

PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of History of Russian Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article discusses the basic conditions and development trends of foreign periodicals from 1850 to 1860 in particular business newspapers and magazines. Economic newspaper "The Promyshlennyi listok" which was published under the direction of Professor of Moscow University M.Ya. Kittary, lasted less than one and a half years old, was small in size, but it is very useful to the reader.

In the article the author gives the announcement of the exit of the newspaper, which was published in the issue № 142 of the newspaper "The Moskovskie vedomosti" on November 26, 1857, price of subscription, analyzes in detail the content of the newspaper, its departments. Particular attention is focused on the topics of materials: the problem of the personal property of the peasants, land hunger of the peasantry, serf labor, the labor question, railways, protectionism and free trade, industrial and commercial education, the state of the merchant class.

"The Promyshlennyi listo" raised very important issues of the end of the 1850s. However, the output of the newspaper was suddenly discontinued in the spring of 1859. The main reason the author refers to is a small number of manufacturers. Nevertheless, "The Promyshlennyi listok" takes a worthy place in the business printing system abroad in the 1850s.

Keywords: economic newspapers and magazines, peasants, labors, industry, trade.



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