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The Right to Be Forgotten in the European Digital Legislation (the case of France)

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For citation: Chikishev N.A. (2017) Pravo na zabvenie v evropeyskom tsifrovom zakonodatel'stve (na primere Frantsii) [The Right to Be Forgotten in the European Digital Legislation (the case of France)]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:


© Nikolay A. Chikishev
PhD Student at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



In the early 2000s, the "right to be forgotten" became one of the new forms of rights in the digital environment. The purpose of this paper is to analyze this new area of the French legislation with it being one of the most indicative among European countries. The author examined the debate around the adoption of new laws in EU and France, analyzed legal precedents related to this right and found differences in the interpretation of the "right to be forgotten". As a result, we identified several key issues in the digital industry: jurisdiction of multinational IT-companies, control of private data and responsibility for its protection and the courts' involvement in resolving conflicts between participants of the digital environment. Findings of this paper give recommendations allowing for a fresh look at the problem of the "right to be forgotten", and offer a solution of legal contradictions.

Keywords: right to be forgotten, private data, internet, digital rights.



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