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The Russian Language for the University Students: Contemporary Problems and Methods of Teaching

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For citation: Lashchuk O.R. (2017) Russkiy yazyk v vysshey shkole: sovremennye problemy i metodika prepodavaniya [The Russian Language for the University Students: Contemporary Problems and Methods of Teaching]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:


© Olga R. Lashchuk

Doctor of Philology, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Editing, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The central problems of teaching the Russian language in the senior high school are described in this article. One of these problems is introduction of Unified State Examination (USE) in schools. The main concern of the paper is to show how the higher education inherits the pre-university education's problems. The author outlines the major opinions of linguists on this topic. The author also explains why the extension of students' knowledge turns up to be a complicated process. The situation and solution to the problems are shown on the basis of Faculty of Journalism Moscow State University's practice. In conclusion of the article the author adduces applied principles and methods of teaching the Russian language, such as analysis of literary and journalistic texts, compiling the file of speech errors, production of educational media under auspices of Russian language teachers. The importance of point rating system in higher education is also mentioned.

Keywords: university education, Russian language, teaching, problems, methodology.



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