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Digital Aggression: Cyberbullying among Russian Teenagers

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For citation: Sokolova D.V. (2017) Agressiya v Internete: rasprostranenie kiberbullinga sredi rossiyskikh podrostkov [Digital Aggression: Cyberbullying among Russian Teenagers]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:


© Darya V. Sokolova
Employee of the Chair of New Media and Communication Theory at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This study investigates the nature and the extent of teenagers' experience of cyberbullying. A survey study of 116 pupils from Russian cities (megapolises and centers of federal districts) was conducted. The sample includes adolescents from 7 till 11 grades (13−17 years old). The results show that 47.4% youngers were cyberbullying victims. Some differences were identified in terms of gender: the majority of victims (64.2%) were girls, but there is no gender difference between aggressors. Female victims were more likely to inform adults that their male counterparts. The most common methods for electronic bullying involved the social networks, messengers, e-mail. The main motives for harass others are the desire to have fun (35%), revenge (31%) and annoyance (25%). The study creates a portrait of typical buller: pupil from senior grades (10−11), who spends daily over 3 hours in the Internet and has been cyberbullied during more than a week. The article concludes with recommendations to prevent cyberbullying among teenagers.

Keywords: cyberbullying, aggression, Internet, social networks, VKontakte.



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