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Setting Up Communication Network of Scientists and Researchers: Experience of the Scientific Center of Perm State Regional Library

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For citation: Yakimova M.N., Vankova A.S., Podgorodetskikh A.R. (2017) Sozdanie seti kommunikatsiy uchenykh i issledovateley: opyt «Tsentra nauki» Permskoy kraevoy biblioteki [Setting Up Communication Network of Scientists and Researchers: Experience of the Scientific Center of Perm State Regional Library]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:


© Maria N. Yakimova
Department Assistant at the Chair of State and Municipal Management at Perm State University (Perm, Russia),

© Alyona S. Vankova
Head of Department "Communicative Platform of Scientific Society" ("Center of Science") at Perm State Regional Library n.a. A. M. Gorkiy (Perm, Russia),

© Anastasia R. Podgorodetskikh
Leading Specialist on International Affairs at Communicative Platform of Scientific Society ("Center of Science") at Perm State Regional Library n.a. A. M. Gorkiy (Perm, Russia),



In Russia, the development of the scientific, inventive and entrepreneurial potential of the country is becoming more and more actual, and resulting from that, areas for popularization of competencies and skills among researchers are being created. This article presents the experience of forming a communication network of scientists and researchers of Perm Region Library's Science Center, designed to create propitious conditions for the communication in Perm scientific community.

Formation of the communication network is due to the use of the branding technology by the department and as well as the use of a set of promotion tools in accordance with certain target audiences. That allows creating the image of the Center of Science as a modern platform for the exchange of experience, gaining new knowledge.

A positive image is created by focusing on the advantages of the department (modern equipment, large capacity of halls and the ability to design halls for specific events, availability of professional human resources), successful event management, site management and social networks, interaction with the media. The Center of Science also conducts international activities, in particular, foreign lecturers are invited, content for social networks and the site is prepared in English, and language consultations are initiated (in Chinese).

Keywords: positioning, communication, international activity.



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