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Russian News Media Principles in Selection of Platforms for Creating Groups in Social Networks

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For citation: Pershina E.D. (2017) Printsipy vybora rossiyskimi novostnymi media ploshchadok dlya sozdaniya grupp v sotsial'nykh setyakh [Russian News Media Principles in Selection of Platforms for Creating Groups in Social Networks]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:


© Elena D. Pershina

PhD Student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Manager at Yandex (Moscow, Russia),



News media pay the most attention to the potential traffic from a social network when choosing where to create a group. This traffic is directly linked with the target audience in the social network, not with the total number of registered users. In addition, Facebook is equally as popular with the news media as is, although the Russian audience on Facebook is much smaller than on The situation is similar with and Twitter. At the same time, we can already say that the relatively small audience of the Russian segment of Facebook can produce more traffic than, especially for high-quality media. High-quality news sources sometimes avoid because of the lack of a desirable target audience. As for overall activity, TV channels and Internet media are the most active part of the media in social networks. Identifying the relationship and making recommendations in this field should help to find a convenient way to convey information to the user. In this we see the main significance of our work.

Keywords: social network, social network page, news media, like, repost.



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