For citation: Abrosimova E.A., Kravchenko Y.D. (2017) Chitatel'skiy kommentariy kak fenomen interpretatsii mediateksta (na materiale internet-kommentariev i dannykh eksperimenta) [Reader Comment as a Phenomenon of Media Text Interpretation (based on Internet comments and experiment data)]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:
© Ekaterina A. Abrosimova
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism and Media Linguistics, Dostoevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia),
© Yuliya D. Kravchenko
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism and Media Linguistics, Dostoevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia),
The introduction deals with the problem of interpretation of contemporary media texts in terms of Internet communication. The paper is devoted to analysis of the interpretation of media texts, belonging to "normal", the average reader-users of the Internet and to readers-"experts". Subject of the research-readers' comments posted on the Esquire magazine's website and on the thematic web-forums, as well as the comments of senior students and postgraduates of the second year of the Omsk State University. The theoretical part of the article is devoted to analysis of domestic and international research in the field of interpreting and commenting texts. On the base of the information category and associated with it evaluative categories and modality the interpretation of texts in the Esquire magazine is described. The interpretation is reflected in the comments of the different types of readers. The differences between the interpretations of the same text by different readers in different communicative environments were established. They were made conclusions about different degrees of understanding of the factual, conceptual and the implied information, about the stereotype - the creativity in the online comments and the comments of experts.
Keywords: media text, interpretation, information, Internet, comment.
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