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The Digital Divide in the Paradigm of the Scientific Debate in Germany

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For citation: Voronenkova G.F. (2016) Tsifrovoe neravenstvo v paradigme nauchnykh diskussiy v Germanii [The Digital Divide in the Paradigm of the Scientific Debate in Germany]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:


The material was prepared on the basis of the report presented during the round table "Digital inequality in Russia and Europe: 20 years of raising questions and looking for solutions", which was devoted to the 20th anniversary or Russian membership in the Council of Europe. The round table discussions took place at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University on the 25th of February, 2016.


© Galina F. Voronenkova
PhD, Professor at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Director of the Free Russian-German Institute for Journalism (FRDIP) (Moscow, Russia),



The article discusses the attitude to the problem of digital divide in Germany, to overcome it from the point of view of the ethnographic factor, the analysis of subjects and content of scientific discussions of German researchers shows the vectors of their research for different social groups in the near future.

Keywords: digital divide, digital gap, Diffusion of innovations, Germany, scientific discussions, categories: digital divide, diffusion of innovation, the structure of the audience and target group.



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