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GR Communications in the Internet: Experience of Model Building

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For citation: Dorskii A.Y., Cherkashchenko T.A. (2016) GR-kommunikatsii v Internete: opyt postroeniya modeli [GR Communications in the Internet: Experience of Model Building]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:


© Andrei Y. Dorskii
PhD, Associate Professor at the Сhair of Public Relations in Politics and Public Administration, Institute "School of Journalism and Mass Communications", Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia),

© Tatiana A. Cherkashchenko
PhD student at the Chair of Public Relations in Politics and Public Administration,
Institute "School of Journalism and Mass Communications", Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia),



In the paper, the basic model of GR-communications is developed and its application to GR-communications on the Internet is considered. During the elemental analysis of the model the parameters of all elements of the model are studied, their interaction and interrelation: categories of media and message in the context of GR are analyzed; senders, repeaters and recipients of GR-posts functionality are studied; the types of feedback and features of its existence in the Internet is considered. The author's approach in this article is based on the fact that communications play in GR dual role: first of all it is GR engine. The author is modeling the definition of GR-communication as a form of PR-communications carried out by non-state actors. This kind of communication is used to connect with the authorities, its goal – to create the favorable environment subjects functioning. It is based on cybernetic communication model proposed by N. Wiener in the middle of the last century, which describes the five basic elements of the communication process: source – message – channel – receiver – feedback.

Keywords: the interaction of business and government, communication technologies, GR technologies, government relations, GR communication.



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