For citation: Rodina V.V. (2016) Sokhrannost' klyuchevogo soobshcheniya kak odin iz kriteriev otsenki effektivnosti kommunikatsionnoy kampanii [Integrity Key Message as a Metric in Communication Campaign Evaluation]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Valeria V. Rodina
PhD in Political Science, Adviser to the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Russia),
In the article the actual problem of the effectiveness of communication campaigns is considered. Despite the wide range of analytical tools that are used in modern linguistics and psycholinguistics, PR-text has still not become a subject of serious study. In this regard, the author suggests that one of the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the communication campaign is to keep the key PR-text messages in the media publications. Particular attention is paid to the identification of key elements of the text, which are responsible for the formation of the key elements of the message. The author in the article concludes that the decisive importance in assessing the effectiveness of PR-texts is his willingness to correctly interpret and relay the media while preserving elements of the key posts. The erosion of the key PR-text messages holds discursive and linguistic dysfunctions that cause loss of communication. As a result, you may receive material information defect - a distortion of the key theme. According to the author, the preservation of key posts in the PR-text depends, including the ability of the communicant to adapt the text of the communication norm not only discursive, but also lexical identity.
Keywords: discourse, PR-text, media, communication, key message, communication campaign.
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