For citation: Kuzmenkova M.A. (2016) Kommunikativnaya sostavlyayushchaya territorial'nogo brendinga (na primere Moskvy i Podmoskov'ya) [Communicative Component of Territorial Branding (the Case of Moscow and Moscow Region)]. Mediaskop 4. Available at:
© Maria A. Kuzmenkova
PhD, Senior Researcher at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
In modern Russia we are witnessing the emergence of a multitude of communication innovations and the signs of mass consciousness modernization appearing in various public spheres. If the potential of Russia in the framework of the current geopolitical situation is to be evaluated, it is impossible not to admit that a set of independent indicators as a whole shows the progressive development of modern Russian statehood and the consolidation of "Russian phenomenon".
Among these indicators innovative communication component of the Russian society represented by the accelerating process of mediatization is far from being in the last place.
One of the ways to support that proposition lies in the need to update the image of the state, as well as the image of the individual Russian territories and cities.
In this regard, one would like to propose a discussion on Russian societal novelty, which is almost unnoticed in the academia. That novelty is the public demand for a territorial marketing, as well as the occurrence of a specific funded interest in the branding of territories, as reflected in the development of strategic regional brand communications. In particular they are represented by the outstanding communication programs and events designed to form or update and improve a particular geographical brand.
Keywords: territorial branding, phygital-technologies, media culture of society.
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