For citation: Boeva G.N. (2016) V.P. Burenin vs Leonid Andreev: «tekhnologiya proizvodstva» parodiynoy lichnosti [V. P. Burenin vs Leonid Andreev: «the Production Technology» of a Parodic Personality]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:
© Galina N. Boeva
PhD, Assistant Professor, Head of the Chair of Culturology and General Humanitarian Disciplines, Nevsky Institute of Language and Сulture (St. Petersburg, Russia),
The purpose of the article is to study the mechanism by which the activity of V.P. Burenin as a critic and parodist influenced the process of turning Leonid Andreyev into a parody personality (term by Tynyanov) on the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. It is being traced how in his parodies and articles the critic replaces the real identity of the writer Andreyev with a collective image, which is absolutely negative and discredits the writer. It is shown that dispelling of Leonid Andreyev by Burenin is directly related to critic's ideology and aesthetics, for whom the main task of art is educating the "average man".
In this work not only the Burenin's parodies of Andreyev's works ("The Life of a Man", "Tzar-Hunger", "Sasha Zhegulyov"), but also some articles about the writer are being researched. Based on the analysis, Andreyev is a "cross-cutting" character in Burenin's works of 1900s, the embodiment of all the "sins" of the modernist literature. Appealing to the parodies of Andreyev created by other satirists, the author of the article argues, that the methods which were used by Burenin (diminishing, direct citation, use of a multitude of parodic masks), noticeably influenced the parodic discourse in the early 20th century.
At the same time Burenin's activities devoted to the disaffirmation of Andreyev led to an unplanned effect: the reader learned the language of the "new art". The literary reputation of Andreyev, including posthumous, was largely defined by Burenin's parodic view of him.
The main mechanism of Leonid Andreyev's parodic personality formation is the exploitation of mass consciousness stereotypes.
Keywords: Leonid Andreev, V.P. Burenin, parody, parodic personality, reception, criticism.
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