For citation: Malyshev D.A. (2016) Vozdeystvuyushchiy potentsial novostnykh televizionnykh tekstov na rannem etape izbiratel'noy kampanii [The Potential Impact of TV News at an Early Stage of an Election Campaign]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
© Dmitriy A. Malyshev
PhD degree-seeking student at the Chair of Russian Stylistics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, senior television producer Russia Today (Moscow, Russia),
The article is devoted to the potential impact of the TV news as the semiotic phenomenon. Texts of television news from the major Russian TV channels are taken for the analysis. Particular attention is paid to the television news branding function at an early stage of the federal election campaign for the president of Russia. On the one hand, the paper shows a subjective and persuasive nature of television news and, on the other hand, it illustrates the specifics of narrative in political journalism. As part of the narrative these texts have a number of characteristics that set the group information genres on television. First and foremost comes the image of the author. In the news text, the author is the narrator in terms of discourse, and not necessarily in terms of interpretation of events. In other words, the journalist as the narrator must remain impartial, which follows from the definition of the information function of the text, but the set of linguistic and extra-linguistic means of expression in the text enables him to inject value judgment. So the fact as a real event can have subjective representation in narrative.
Keywords: TV news, media text, potential impact, image function.
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