For citation: Chevozerova G.V. (2016) Problemy poznaniya v zhurnalistike. Dostovernost' zhurnalistskoy informatsii [Cognition in Journalism: Journalistic Information Credibility]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
© Galina V. Chevozerova
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism, Tol'yattii State University (Tol'yatti, Russia)
Following the precepts of the journalism theory developed by E.P. Prokhorov, the paper deals with the concept of information credibility as a fundamental qualitative characteristic of journalistic text. The concept is discussed within the framework of epistemology as a science of cognitive activity of man with regard to the ways and means of attaining truth, forms of truth existence and presentation, and the evaluation criteria.
Journalistic text is to present the objective-subjective truth about the subject of its reflection. The means to ensure the greatest objectivity are reviewed. Feasibility of credible information is discussed not only in terms of ontology and praxeology but also in terms of axiology. The correlation of credible information with conceptual thinking and sensuous cognition is considered.
Special attention is given to the description of forms in which truth exists. Objective, cognitive, existential and conceptual kinds of truth are identified depending on the character of the reflected object. Truth may be commonsensical, scientific or religious in dependence on the kind of cognitive activity. By completeness of apprehension of an object’s essence there may be absolute and relative truth. The concept of artistic truth is also relevant to journalism. Truth may be presented as a fact, hypothesis or theory. Each of these forms of truth and methods of its presentation puts its own demands on truth recreation. Meeting such demands in journalistic practice is indispensable as the professional activity algorithm. A comparison of the legal and scientific treatments of such notions as lie, misinformation and fallacy given in the paper enables journalists to translate the implications into practice.
Practice is the criterion of truth. Where truth cannot be confirmed due to a lack of practice, one should be able to resort to other criteria such as logical, axiological, social and political, ethical and aesthetical ones, provided that the appropriate journalistic competences are available.
The study offers a list of questions answers to which in journalistic text would help ensure information credibility.
Keywords: journalism, information, credibility, truth, criteria of truth.
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